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Updated: Dec 17, 2024

Hello, my name is Thomas Delarivière. A few years ago, I decided to recreate an iconic figure from horror movies: Frankenstein. To achieve this, I drew inspiration from various references taken from classic films and the experience I gained over the years at TexturingXYZ. The goal of this project was to begin with a character sculpted entirely by hand in ZBrush. I will demonstrate Hyperskin's ability to enhance details by relying on concepts like flow and facial pore structure.

The project is based on the Texturing XYZ's basemesh.

My goal was to maintain Frankenstein's stylized appearance while keeping in mind that the character is made up of different pieces of skin.

Hyperskin requires only a basemesh and a few maps to work effectively. A single 8K sculpt map from ZBrush and an albedo map are enough to bring the project to life.

Here are the input textures and the output after being processed by Symbiot.

zbrush displacement & albedo

Here is the displacement map exported from ZBrush, alongside the new displacement offered by Hyperskin to her clients. The character's prominent features are fully preserved, while Hyperskin redefines the pores and wrinkles, enhancing the overall quality.


The entire process took place in Arnold for Maya / Arnold skin shader (a simple aiStandardSurface). For the lookdev, I start by plug the calibrated displacement map from Hyperskin and testing different lighting setups, with and without subsurface. This allows me to ensure that the details work well from various angles and that the SSS doesn’t overly soften the details.

You can see that the details remain consistent with the model and do not overpower the ZBrush sculpt. Both blend seamlessly, adding extra detail to the model in an organic and structured way.

You can see the quality added by Hyperskin, which redefines each pore and wrinkle while preserving the flows created in ZBrush. It is important to provide clear direction so that Hyperskin knows how to orient the pores and wrinkles.


Hyperskin offers a wide range of maps that can be used to manage various aspects of the skin.

spec map

The specular pass allows me to slightly occlude the pores and enhance the details. By adjusting the AiRange, I can easily modify the appearance of the map. This can also be managed using the utility map, which lets you control the pores on the inside (R channel) or the outside (G channel).

mettre video controle de la spec juste albedo et viz spec qui change


Pour accentuer son effet mort vivant et sale, je rajoute une passe de salissure directment sur tout le visage. Ces petites imperfections vons rajouter un peu plus de crédibilité au modele. Je scatter quelques impureté sur ses cheveux dans houdini de maniere aleatoire.

-----> IMG before/after grayscale plus rendu differentes lighting

The other method I use to add imperfections is done directly in Maya's HyperShade.

The process is quite simple: the goal is to add impurities using the utility map to simulate dead skin on the surface of the skin. To achieve this, I use cell noises combined with procedural effects directly available in Arnold.

To prevent the dead skin from occluding the pores, I also use the G channel of the raw utility map to mask certain areas. This mask is then blended with the Ambient Occlusion to target only specific regions of the face. Here is the before/after result.

-----> GIF hypershade cell noise layered ...

Montrer la G channel de l'utility et l'utilisation


Hyperskin offre une multitude de possibilité pour les artistes ; Que sa soit pour la texture en maskant plusieurs regions ou lookdev et meme les grromer avec une passe qui permet d'isoler les pores et poser un poils sur chaques pores. La diplsace est d'une qualité inégalé et permet d'augmente rle deatials de maniere coherantes en rajouter un surplus de realisme a la pass de sculpt manuelle. L'input data est tres importantes. Plus le details de base est non mieux le système fonctionnerA. En revanche il na pas forcement besoin de donées scanner pour augmenter les details. Le fait de lui indiquer des flows sur les differentes parties du visages lui permets deja de definir choses interessantes. Il n'extrapoles pas et se base vraiment sur l'input data;



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